Are your hiking shoes too small?

Grisport hiking shoes at the Mirabel warehouse

Did you know that many people wear shoes that are too small, without even knowing it? Yet our feet do great things for us. Thanks to them, we can walk in the forest, climb rocks and explore the Canadian landscape. 

So why do we underestimate them so much? Shoes that are too small force our toes out of alignment and can lead to several complications. 

Many people have spent their lives wearing shoes that are too small. It's very likely that you're wearing the wrong size shoe too! In fact, an NIH study shows that between 63% and 72% of people wear the wrong size shoe. That's a huge percentage! 

"In the store, it's not uncommon for a 40-year-old man to discover with me that he's been wearing the wrong size shoe his whole life!" - William Hodge, founder of Grisport Canada.

So, if the in-store foot measurer says you have a size 8 foot, you probably need a size 9 or 9.5.

How do we know if our hiking boots are too small?

Your hiking boots are too small if:

  • Your toes feel pressure when you walk on a steep downhill slope 

  • Your toes overlap

  • You feel pressure even when the laces are loose.

If this is the case, you will need a new pair of hiking boots or shoes. When you try them on, do these different tests to see if they are the right size.

Make sure there is a one-finger gap between your heel and the shoe/ boot

If there's room for your finger, that's a good sign! You may have to squish your toes on the front of the boot to get it right. If you can't do that, chances are this shoe is too small.

Walk on a downhill slope

Find a way to test the boot on a downhill slope. This is the kind of angle you might encounter on a hike. Do your toes dig into the front of the shoe? If so, lace the shoes a little tighter. 

If you can still feel the front of your boot, they are too small.

Take out the insole

Take the insole out and put your foot down. Make sure there is a gap and that your foot doesn't cover the whole thing. You should have at least half an inch of space between your toes and the end of the insole.

The downsides of a hiking boot that is too small

A hiking boot that is too small promises a memorable hike... but not in a good way. You'll quickly find your feet getting tired. Hiking is such an enjoyable outdoor activity... when you wear the right size shoe!

Higher risk of injury

Lower body muscle soreness is a common occurrence among hikers... But is it normal? Many think it's a conditioning problem. It can be! But we never think that the cause is hiking boots.

In any case, a shoe that leaves room for your toes reduces the risk of injury. You'll avoid weakening your lower leg. It will also prevent problems like knee pain.

Poor balance

Shoes that are too small prevent the natural alignment of your toes. The right size shoes will give you better balance.

Frozen feet

In winter, boot selection is important to keep your feet warm. Many factors can contribute to your comfort when hiking in winter. But it is very important to think about the fit of your boots. To keep your feet warm, not only do you need insulating and waterproof materials, but you also need to allow heat to circulate. 

A boot that is too small prevents heat from circulating properly. That's why your feet are always cold in winter.

Your feet will thank you

Take the test! Are you leaving enough room for your toes? You can solve a lot of problems by changing your shoe size! Your feet will thank you.


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